Masturbation side effects

Masturbation side effectsFrequent masturbation and ejaculation stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions. Excessive stimulation can result in over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as dopamine, acetylcholine and serotonin.
Abundant and unusually large amount of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and turn the brain and body functions to be highly sympathetic. Paraphrasing: A significant change of body chemistry occurs when one masturbates excessively.
Such side effects of Masturbation include lower back pain, fatigue, thinning hair or hair loss, a soft or weak erection, premature ejaculation, fuzzy vision, groin- or testicular pain and pains or cramps in the pelvic area or tail bone.
Bad effects of excessive masturbation is called Sexual Exhaustion, distressing liver- and nervous system functions, and includes youthful impotence/erectile dysfunction (including a soft or weak erection) and seminal leakage. Semen leakage is a sign that the parasympathetic nerve - which keeps the ejaculation valve shut and holds the erection - is weakening as a result of over-masturbation. With a weakened nerve, maintaining an erection is a problem.
Another danger of masturbation is skin irritation, and in some cases of bad hygiene, residual body juices can cause fungal infection due to their glucose-content.

This is our research on the alleged dangers of Masturbation / adverse effects of Masturbation and not medical advice!

1.  Knut Holt    Sunday, March 3, 2013

Let me add that a scientific study has revealed that frequent masturbation HINDERS the development of prostate cancer by 80%.

I think I will prefere to masturbate all that my lust demands - and never get prostate cancer.

2.  Steve G    Monday, June 24, 2013

I believe you're referring to a 2003 led by Graham Giles of The Cancer Council Australia. That information was updated in 2008 and though it seems to be favorable still for men over 50, those that are younger than 40 actually had a higher rate of prostate cancer.

3.  avidhandler.    Saturday, February 8, 2014

Completely ridiculous. It what the tool was made for. Sex. Maybe they were doing it wrong. :)

4.  Ultima    Saturday, March 1, 2014

Common sense would be to look at nature. Some animals die from sexual exertion. Also in most (all?) of the animal world the frequency is much lower than that possible for humans. Important vitamins and minerals are lost by ejaculation. Not to mention that it is unhealthy psychologically to have fantasies about what in most cases you cannot have. Society needs to change its stance on this issue to save people from becoming addicted.

5.  peter D    Monday, April 7, 2014

men under 40 have a prostate cancer rate of less than 1%...

6.  CoolBeans    Sunday, June 1, 2014

100% Agreed. There is nothing good about this practice especially. Over the long term. Very harmful side effects

7.  passerby    Tuesday, July 1, 2014

There is always a negative consequence in over indulgence, in anything. Sex was taken into account in the body's design, but over use of the instruments and depleting the fluid reserves will definitely result in undesirable issues....... We like masturbating, so we tell ourselves that there is no problem

8.  DarwinwasWrong    Friday, October 17, 2014

And your lust will consume you. That study was a lie and excessive masturbation is more likely to cause prostate cancer than prevent it. Masturbation is incredibly harmful to the body. Poor eyesight, tooth decay, osteoporosis, brain damage, a weak heart, early death, are just some of the effects.

9.  DarwinwasWrong    Friday, October 17, 2014

Masturbation addiction is no different than drug addiction.

10.  DarwinwasWrong    Friday, October 17, 2014

Completely ridiculous because you don't want to stop masturbating. Self masturbation is very different than sex with your wife.

11.  Darius    Sunday, November 30, 2014

I hold MD in neurology and hear many stupidity? but you are the winner, show me action how masturbation cause damage to the brain or eyesight. Of course pathological masturbation can have some impact of organism but vision and brain damage let me guess you found this on some webside which sells some cure.

12.  Darius    Monday, December 1, 2014

Excessive masturbation — that is masturbating every day several times a day for several years — can stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions. The result of this is an overproduction of sex hormones and neurotransmitters. Possible bodily side effects can be fatigue, hair loss, memory loss, blurred vision, and groin pain- I belive that masturbation in excesive isnt good to us but this claming is false. I search in scientific journals about such claims no find one study which will confirm this. Mostly this claims about chemical imbalanc are spreaded by Chinesse Woo frauds (I dont have nothing to TCM some remedies are the best but sadly many snake-oil salesmen and frauds using this to earn money spreading quackery and from that TCM have their opinion) This belief has been part of human culture for thousands of years, but again, no empirical research has ever found a positive link between emission and loss of eyesight. A search of the Internet will lead to multiple sites describing the chemical imbalance that may occur after too much masturbation, but these arguments are not supported by any evidence. Why chemical imbalacne is unlikely? because our brain can adjust good example why alcoholics experience withdrawal aftery acute stoping drinking. So the bad effects can give after acute stoping masturbating than doing like all addiction.

13.  Darius    Monday, December 1, 2014

Yes is different drugs cause psychological and substance addiction.

14.  Darius    Monday, December 1, 2014

"Important vitamins and minerals are lost by ejaculation." show one study which show that going your logic you cant exercise because you get sweat and you will lose also "Important vitamins and minerals" Please show one study not quack who sells magic cure, because most of them spread quackery.

15.  Darius    Monday, December 1, 2014

How this ejaculation is different to the brain?

16.  Jason    Saturday, January 17, 2015

First, to answer your question. It is a reasonable theory that the difference perceived by the body's 5 senses plus the psychological awareness that a mate is not present separates the act of masturbation from the act of two people having intercourse in addition to the often dis-similar physical stimulus of the penis. As for masturbation as a whole, it involves hormones so problems due to hormone depletion, increased flux in hormone levels, or simply the over working of hormone producing glands is plausible. Medical research knows about as much about the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the digestive tract as it did about cancer in the 50s. What I'm eluding to is, as smart as the human race presents itself to be, we have a long way to go to truly understand hormones and the organs which produce them. In addition, much of medical research is flawed in that it is often practiced as fact when really the research only found correlation, not causation. Using correlation you could argue that increased availability of food made people fat, just as it is presented that increased masturbation reduces the chance of prostate cancer. And if you feel these studies are far too professional for that to happen, well, what you believe is your choice. I recommend you look up narcissist personality disorder (common in medical field), an extremely common personality trait in the USA, you might just start seeing the world differently and I mean no offense by that... But ultimately what I wonder is, what is depleted and produced within the body due to masturbation and what are the effects of not only the depletion and production but the flux in levels given the premise that masturbation is being exercised at extreme frequency? At extreme frequency, say 3 or 5 or 10 times a day we'd be more likely to have a slim chance of noticing what changes are being caused in the body and thus be able to then test for those lessor changes of the same type in subjects who masturbate more than average yet not quite to those extremes.

17.  Darius    Monday, January 19, 2015

Like I said I'm neurologist/toxicologist and not from US. First "perceived by the body's 5 senses" so people who are deaf or have neuropathy have side effects from sex and have diffrence hormones level after ejaculation? (also look what brain regions activate durning sex) What is funny, this is opposite to your theory, more senses=more stimulation(that why people prefer watch porn when they masturbate) When you masturbate, you use brain regions responsible for memory imagination etc."As for masturbation as a whole, it involves hormones so problems due to hormone depletion, increased flux in hormone levels(guess what exercise and others activities also involves hormones so we should also stop them?), or simply the over working of hormone producing glands is plausible" (again exercise and others activities) like I wrote in my other comment, "Mostly this claims about chemical imbalance are spread by Chinese Woo frauds (I dont have nothing to TCM some remedies are the best but sadly many snake-oil salesmen and frauds using this to earn money spreading quackery and from that TCM have their opinion) This belief has been part of human culture for thousands of years, but again, no empirical research has ever found a positive link between emission and loss of eyesight. A search of the Internet will lead to multiple sites describing the chemical imbalance that may occur after too much masturbation, but these arguments are not supported by any evidence. Why chemical imbalance is unlikely? because our brain can adjust good example why alcoholics experience withdrawal aftery acute stoping drinking. So the bad effects can give after acute stoping masturbating than doing like all addiction." our brain adjust to excesive stimulation (this is basic knowledge). "Medical research knows about as much about the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the digestive tract as it did about cancer in the 50s" how you can compared that if you dont know what we can more know about that regions?, but for sure we know much more than 10 years ago. "In addition, much of medical research is flawed in that it is often practiced as fact when really the research only found correlation, not causation." please stop spread quackery, correlation, not causation tells us about epidemiological studies, not when you check blood hormone levels after ejaculation here you dont have any factors wich can flaws results( (I know thas as many as 80% studies are false, but there are studies which cannot be flawed like studies checking hormones after ejaculation). "But ultimately what I wonder is, what is depleted and produced within the body due to masturbation and what are the effects of not only the depletion and production but the flux in levels given the premise that masturbation is being exercised at extreme frequency?" SO please show me one study showing that hormon are imbalacne after ejaculation(in this case masturbation)also look at studies who look at brain activity in people who have sex or masturbate (regions from hormones dont change) and I dont tell about epidemiological studies. Exercise also produce hormones so in your opinion we should stop exerciese? "At extreme frequency, say 3 or 5 or 10 times " we talk about average not addictive behaviors. First people say about blindness and hair in hands. You know thanks to internet, people can finds other "theories" but who spread them? mostly people who sells cure to masturbation "side-effects". The truth is that hormons problems are the easy to study so in this case I belive that there is no evidence because hormone imbalance is easy to find in such case.

18.  Dark Avenger    Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Thanks to porn, now I ejaculate in less than 1 minute.

Porn ruined my life.

19.  Bezecho Bezecho    Friday, February 13, 2015

to solve this problem first is to tell it to your closed friend
canceling is needed to this person in order to have psychological support for the consequence of this behsvior

20.  Tim Hasters    Friday, February 27, 2015

What a crock. First the title is misleading. ONLY if you ejaculate can it POSSIBLY have the results you mention. There are many positive healthy results by channeling that un-ejaculated energy back into your body. Beyond that, you might define what you mean by "frequent". This is an oversimplification with no data to support it, other than what you may have pieced together from different sources to come to your own conclusion about how the body works.

You have a number of other good articles on your site. When I read this, it definitely gives me pause for everything else you've written.

21.  Ron    Saturday, March 21, 2015

Excessive masturbation can lead to erectile dysfunction. In order to correct this problem, a man needs to hit the so-called reset button and abstain from masturbation for a minimum of 60 days (or as long as 90 days).

That's right, 60 long day. I did it when I had this problem. And after 60 days, my penis had firmer erections, my libido improved significantly, my mental state was sharper, I had more energy, and - most of all - my overall sex drive improved. It was like I was a teenager again, doing it for the first time lol.

It's hard for a guy to go 60 days, but you need to do it. Several cold showers and doing something productive kept me away from playing with myself. After 60 days, I now masturbate about one a week (maybe twice), instead of one or twice a day like I was doing before.

Even though results may vary, it's worth some consideration. You and your partner will appreciate its positive effects.

22.  gautam    Monday, April 6, 2015

I think if masturbation is going to overcome the stress or depression then it is really an ultimate tool and have no side effects........

23.  Bryan    Sunday, April 26, 2015

It make sense indulge too much in any activity no matter what it is, there will always be negative side effects

24.  Jagxl1200    Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Over masturbation is bad. I am a recovering sex addict. I came to become a sex addict because of overasturbation. All the side effects mentioned I have plus the inability to feel love for a partner, weak erections, looking at women as sex objects instead of who they really are. I go to sex addiction meetings and I am hear to tell you over masturbation is not good mentaly and physicaly. If you tell yourself that it is ok to watch porn, masturbate too much or do other sexual activities that are unhealthy. Then I will see you in a sex addiction meeting sometime, unless you are too ashamed to seek help which is another side effect shame and guilt.

25.  Jason    Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I think that modern medicine has only just scratched the surface of how the human body works, especially the brain. Also you are confusing my answer with other answers above as I did not comment on losing eyesight. And from your response involving alcoholism I would guess that you have only interacted with this through a textbooks and studies and not with true empirical evidence. Medical research is almost universally flawed. Empirical evidence is and always has been the greatest source of progress. We would hope that medical studies would sort out the good empirical evidence from the bad but more often than not the studies are inconclusive. And if medical research is unable to find something then medical practitioners have a bad habit of saying it does not exist. Besides that, most medical research is done in seeking profit not a cure resulting in the dangerous pharmaceuticals that have become commonly accepted. I am currently undergoing mercury chelation. I initially used DMSA to clear mercury from my body. Now I am using Alpha Lipoic Acid to pull it from my brain. I have my test results before and during usage of each chelator. I am working with a PhD Chemist and an alternative health practitioner. Yet doctors told me none of this was real or possible. In my country doctors have become little more than technicians trained to prescribe pharmaceuticals. I imagine it is far worse in other countries as some of them treat doctors as if they are greater than other people.

26.  Darius    Monday, September 21, 2015

Its take you a while to answer.... I see that your second comment is pretty similiar to that what you wrote in first... "I think that modern medicine has only just scratched the surface of how the human body works, especially the brain." how you can compared that if you dont know what we can more know about that regions? What more most theory of masturbation you wrote is based on exisiting knwoledge so take while to think what arguments you use.

"And from your response involving alcoholism I would guess that you have only interacted with this through a textbooks and studies and not with true empirical evidence." here you show that you take knowledge from miracle gurus... tell me why this dont apply this please im very curious of that. "Medical research is almost universally flawed." maybe some arguments why?

"Empirical evidence is and always has been the greatest source of progress." Im sorry but this is definition of quack Empirical evidence described by you it really anecdotal evidence you think this is free from flaws? maybe check first rule correlation dont imply causation,

Researcher of course he can rule every other co-factors or placebo effects? I perform few times double blind studies and many people feel better after sugar pill in symptoms we checked.

" We would hope that medical studies would sort out the good empirical evidence from the bad but more often than not the studies are inconclusive" you mean they take studies which support your claims? you call this sourting I cherry picking.

" And if medical research is unable to find something then medical practitioners have a bad habit of saying it does not exist." or maybe this called medical practitioners find new way to earn money? like de-acidification of the body or detoxing?.

" Besides that, most medical research is done in seeking profit not a cure resulting in the dangerous pharmaceuticals that have become commonly accepted." you are hypocrite and medical practitionel selling miracle products also mentioned by you DMSA Alpha Lipoic Acid dont get profit from that? no they are free from conflict of interest, you are either hypocrite or ignorant.

"the dangerous pharmaceuticals that have become commonly accepted." the dose make poison check toxicological departments how many from such herbal "medicine" people where treated.

"I have my test results before and during usage of each chelator." And I can have the same test in the same time as you dont using this "chelators" and also have droped lvl why? because our body is detox machine,

Also there is one very good conclusion here

"There was disconcerting evidence from this study, however, that ALA may also alter the tissue distribution of mercury and other heavy metals. Although levels of inorganic mercury and methylmercury in the kidney dropped significantly, levels of inorganic mercury also increased significantly in the brain, lung, heart, and liver tissue."

"One must conclude that the palliative effect, if any, of GSH, vitamin C, or lipoic acid for treatment of mercury toxicity due to mercury vapor exposure does not involve mercury mobilization from the brain and kidney."

"I am working with a PhD Chemist and an alternative health practitioner" let me guess inorganic chemist? and an alternative health practitioner and he dont have conflict of interest....

"Yet doctors told me none of this was real or possible." I can take you to my lab give you cigararette to smoke and do blood samples and show you how they are good for you.... if some

"In my country doctors have become little more than technicians trained to prescribe pharmaceuticals." the same we can say about alternative health practitioner but they are also clever salesman

"I imagine it is far worse in other countries as some of them treat doctors as if they are greater than other people." again the same we can say about alternative health practitioner . I only wondering why you wrote about this? we have disscusion about other matter not related to doctors. I think that modern medicine has only just scratched the surface of how the human body works, especially the brain. yet you spread your theories without any proof and try saying that any other studies are flawed yet you are person who knows that.... this is definition of quack If you will really have basic knowledge in field of neurology you will know how stupid this sentence sound, currently knowledge about brain can with 100% overthrow quack theories spreaded by incomptent person seeking only profit and yet here you dont see conflict of interest.

Let me guess you are from this kind of people who think that vaccines Big Pharma etc are bad and you can cure everything with heavy metal detox.... yet prophets"aletrnative medicine" want cure you they only take money from you also to cure you... this is typical one sided sight. But I dont blame you this is simple ignorance and they are very good marketers.

P.S The most funny part that any sentence of your comment dont apply to masturbation.

27.  P.O.G.    Friday, October 23, 2015

Please elaborate. Where are you getting your information? By the way, I'm not at all disagreeing with any of it -- I believe it but would love to learn more.

28.  Knut Holt    Sunday, November 1, 2015

And masturbation has the terrible side effect that it can prevent prostate cancer.

29.  pumpfreak    Saturday, December 5, 2015

if i am already suffering fro skin irritation..what should i do?

30.  David Cobb    Friday, December 11, 2015

Thanks for the advice...This is something I wondered about thinking it was age or something because I am in very good shape physically, so I thought that maybe this had something to do with it. Thank you for sharing this, I really needed to hear this from a real person that's been down that road. You just gave me hope

31.  Jagu    Wednesday, December 23, 2015

K guys, I have been experimenting the fact "masturbation is good or bad" in my own body. For this I used my self masturbate daily for one month and noticed the effects on my physical activity, mental strength, vision, etc and I practiced strict celibacy for another one month (its very hard to abstain from external stimulus) and also noticed the changes. I am neither a scientist nor a doctor, the results gained during my experiment are appended below:-
During frequent masturbation pd
1. Physical strength and stamina decreased (skipping and gym excercises)
2. Eye vision blurred (its a temporary effect-tested using laser eye tests)
3. Memory, concentration and processing speed of brain diminished (tested in computer using Einstein Braintrain 2.0 and Brain Teaser along with word memorising test) and the effects were temporary.
4. Become Charmless and noticed frequent hairloss (photographic assessment using lightroom and regular combing test to ascertain exact numbers of hair fall 80_95 strands

During my 30 days celibacy
It was very hard challenge to keep my mind out of external stimulus
Noticed the dramatic effects

1. From 6th days of celibacy, stamina had been incr I was able to to up to 350 skips in one rep. It was further enhanced to 670 on the 27th day)
2. Eye vision become accurate and senses are become more active and under control. A power of authority over my senses has been gradually become visible.
3. Concentration, memory and processing speeds are surprisingly increased. (tested and evaluated with previous results.
4. Hairloss become very normail up to 35-40 strands/day
5. A special look was noticed in my face during the celibacy period.

I know that these results are not supported by any medical studies and the results may vary from individual to individual but still some connections are obviously there between our mental power and masturbation, if you want further details of my experments feel free to contact me

32.  raj men    Wednesday, March 2, 2016

If this were true I would be dead now LOL

33.  Mandish    Sunday, March 6, 2016

Just Masturbate the much you want..Their no danger at all...

34.  Mark C. Danzig    Wednesday, March 23, 2016

you forgot-jerking off will cause hairy palms!

35.  idem    Saturday, May 21, 2016

For all you sick people out there, let me ask you this:
do animals in the wild masturbate?
Learn from them!
Do you think Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone or any successful person, masturbate?
While your doctor says it's OK, does he actually do it?

36.  electric pulse massager    Thursday, June 2, 2016

Yeh stupid shit but if you got something that slowly stoping the blood flow excersies helps so work out evenly to help nervous system constant moving causes circulation electrical impulses

37.  End Of Time    Sunday, July 10, 2016

We have to be truthful to ourselves, irrespective of your areas of studies or research. I bet you that 99% of masturbators will always have 100% of the positive effect of masturbating.
Thou masturbating relief stress and sexual tensions at a periodic time. It has no effect applying it periodically during sexual desire or tension, but applying it excessively without sexual tensions or stress to satisfy your masturbating urge to clamax could lead to abnormal functions of the body system sending impulses through your CNS "Central Nervous System" to the brain , which could cause a psychological effect. After which your body mechanism changes due to the increase in the functions of your body organs. This could cause headaches, increase in body temperature, lost of weight, psychological brain disorder, instability of body metabolism, fatigue, low erection , liquidated semains- " Low quality of sperm" and also it could lead to low sexual desire with partner. It is advisible to restrain from excessive masturbating. Lastly, religiously speaking, it's a sin to your body, your partner and to your creator.

38.  Adam Andrade    Sunday, July 24, 2016

Can anyone help me i quit masturbating for a month and i just ejaculated rn but in that whole month ive been having nervousness, lack of concentration and racing thoughts idk how to treat these symptoms and i need to know cuz im going to be soon starting school and i can't be going thru this its starting to ruin mt relationship with my gf my parents and everyone else im just moody all the time and i have social aniexty as it is but i do feel my nervous system is really messing with me rn and im tired of it, if anybody takes the time to read this and maybe point me into the right direction or help me plezzz do so we cam schedule a private conversation to talk plez i really someone to talk to thank you :) ~ Adam

39.  Hatem Mahmoud    Monday, July 25, 2016

i don t think that mastrubat have effect in the eye but i m sure that it effect the brain and all the side effect in this article is completely right

40.  Onesmus .W.M.    Monday, July 25, 2016

Hello you can email me on the following Thank You:)

41.  Red    Monday, August 8, 2016

why dose everything has to be black or white? when you excessively masturbate you deplete body resources as listed on the article which may or may not cause serious medical problems depending on frequency/intensity of masturbation and genetic or circumstantial body conditions. but it certainly cases stupid comments. Tell me this which is most likely to broke down, a car that is used non stop on bumpy roads or a car that is used moderately on good condition roads? balance is the secret sauce

42.  Eren Jackson    Monday, September 19, 2016

Saw a monkey jack it at the zoo once

43.  Miklos_Prisznyak    Monday, October 3, 2016

Masturbating too much can be bad, if other people find out what you're doing.

44.  Twohandslong    Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I've been masturbating all my life or since I was about 12 yrs old...I'm now in my mid 60's. I masturbate on average 3-4 times a day. I don't feel its done me any harm over the years other than slow down my sex life somewhat. I'm sure it helps with my circulation as it certainly causes the heart to pump very fast. I've always had very good blood pressure. The downside to jerking off so much is its time consuming and I've wasted years of my life doing this when I could have been doing something educational or beneficial !!.

45.  Violet Donahough    Tuesday, November 22, 2016

What's the relation between an orgasm and eyesight? If masturbation causes all of these dangerous side-effects, logically, that would mean that all forms of sexual activity (i.e.; with other people) would also have those dangerous effects. If masturbating lead to prostate cancer than "regular" sex would lead to it as well. But it doesn't. Also, tooth decay? No. Just, no. If early death was a side effects of masturbation, I would so have been dead before the age of 15. (although, as a woman, I don't have a prostate, so I can't really speak about effects of masturbation on one.)

46.  Sam    Saturday, December 10, 2016

Let's be honest I used to do a lot and all problems that mentioned was exist in my body specialy stress , premature ejuclution , weakness, hair loss and getting nervous fast and I was wondering why when I was stopping jerk off all problems was going although medical specialists say it is OK to mustarbate but whenever I was starting again all symptoms was coming back so now I stopped I am totally ok so something is definitely wrong with jerk off if medical researcher recommend masturbation because they trying to keep society safe from risk of raping and other sexual crime

47.  Mr.Bean    Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Too much is Bad

48.  Michael    Thursday, December 29, 2016

If your hair began to thin or you began to lose hair because excessive masturbation , if you stop masturbating for a while , would began to regain your hair?

49.  Alex Snowberg    Sunday, January 15, 2017

Yes, many animals masturbate on a regular bases. And yes successful people do it just as much as anyone else. I really don't mean to be rude but it's pretty obvious you have a sexual problem you need to overcome. Preventing yourself from experiencing pleasure is a symptom of poor mental health and a lack of self awareness

50.  Alex Snowberg    Sunday, January 15, 2017

I must question the mental health of any physically healthy and sexually mature person that doesn't at least masturbate sometimes. Preventing yourself from experiencing pleasure is a symptom of mental health concerns and a lack of self awareness. So many people have mental walls built by sexual abuse, religion, parents that taught them sex is disgusting or dirty etc etc. These bricks in the wall keep them from ever discovering their own body, sexual imagination and self pleasure. An orgasm is by far the most pleasure the mind and body can experience. Purposely withholding yourself from pleasure is sabotaging your own happiness and IS a form self abuse and a mental disorder.

51.  amilla    Sunday, February 5, 2017

Here are the serious side effects I have personally discovered from masturbation (I am a 53 year old woman BTW)...

It saps my frustration and agression levels
My ability to let my thoughts wander and to avoid focusing on a task is lost
I feel worryingly happy
My capacity for insomnia is drastically reduced
My willingness to help manufactures by consuming chocolates, drink and cigarettes is reduced.
Those 'enjoyable' pains I used to have with my periods were spoilt
It gave makes me endure those pesky orgasm things.

How I wish I could give up!!!

52.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

So we have scientifically undertaken, repeatable studies that show it reduces prostate cancer risk on one side and your lala comments and prejudice based on what? on the other. I'm with the science.

53.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

Masturbation leads to orgasm which results in 'happy chemicals' being released into the brain. We get less violent, find it easier to sleep, feel happy. That is what it temporarily does to the brain. Whereas all too many of those that think it wrong and dangerous to masturbate are let say slavish followers of some ancient debunked mythology (religion) and because they are so screwed up with sexual frustration like to go around inflicting their stone-age beliefs, morals and justice on others. Which of the following books has caused the death and misery of 100s of millions?... Sex for One by Betty Dodson or the Koran by a sadistic paediophilic murdering warlord who's name escapes me?

54.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

The answer to your question is he is making it up or repeating the dribble from others that made it up which he is too dim to see as shisters.

55.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

Technically yes. If you cause mechanical injury to yourself through too much friction or pressure its uncomfortable for a few days. If you are taking so much time to masturbate that other areas of your life get neglected that is bad too. If neither of these issues is the case though where is the harm? Or should I say count the benefits!

56.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

You seem to think you have a grasp of scientific method and knowledge... The hypothesis here is that too much masturbation causes a range of illnesses. We do not just accept this we require empiric evidence and without it we do not accept the hypothesis. There is no empiric proof at all and to the contrary scientific experimentation has shown a range of benefits to both sexes from masturbation including reduced stress and aggression, easier sleeping, reduced prostate illness, better pelvic floor muscle tone and so better bladder control in women, a greater likelihood of orgasms during partner sex.... To conclude: It is possible to support a hypothesis that masturbation is good for you now but nothing can be tabled to support that it is bad. Speculation that it may one day be found to be so is silly.

57.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

My son is a doctor and we have talked about how much is known about the body and diseases and what isn't understood. Bottom line is while scientists and doctors would accept there is a lot to learn they do know a hell of a lot that most people are unaware of so saying they are only scratching the surface is disingenuous in the extreme. Yes all too much drug research is profit driven but step back and consider what can be done now that has come from research. Over half of cancer patients recover, HIV is manageable for decades in most patients, we wiped out smallpox, we can produce vaccines for loads of diseases soon after they appear, gene therapy is already used to fix defects that killed or left people with horrible lives in the past, etc. No other endeavour by humans can cure or control such illnesses in anything like the way science and medicine do (alternative therapy zero points, religion zero points, chinese medicine zero points (the stuff that worked was adopted into medicine with that which is left being bunkum).

58.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

Important vitamins and minerals... You do know that the 10cc of ejaculate a man produces is mostly water, a little protein, some carbohydrates and little else. To say the man is depleted is to exaggerate ridiculously. If losing such minuscule amounts of body products was a risk we should all sit down and avoid all activity as the mere action of metabolism will surely kill us in minutes!!

Yes society needs to change to rid us of ignorant, bible motivated cretins that push superstition as fact and 'sin' as bad for the body.

59.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

Give one fact to support you moronic claims?

60.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

Yes it is. Most drugs are illegal so crime is involved and so a risk of legal penalties. Many drugs are contaminated with even more dangerous stuff (impurities and microbes from backstreet lab production in unhygienic conditions and a distribution chain that can involve passing through the guts of others.being stored in rectums, chemicals used to dilute/cut expensive drugs, diseases that contaminate the equipment used for take the drug etc) , , So the act of taking a drug is more dangerous that exercising a body function. Next consider what REAL diseases masturbation causes (none) and those of common drugs - smoking gives lung cancer and heart diseases, drink causes mouth cancer and liver failure, MDMA can kill through dehydration and hyper thermia, heroin can cause cardiac arrest or allow the taker to get so out of it as to drown on vomit, cocaine can cause heart attacks instantly or gangrene in the nose, cannabis is clearly linked to mental illness including psychosis, and the list goes on... How can you equate masturbation to drug taking in terms of harm caused? And that is excluding the benefits masturbation gives! OK masturbation releases reward neurotransmitters in the brain that can be addictive so yes masturbation becomes a habit but unless it causes physical harm or takes up too much time SO WHAT?

61.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

For a guy the only one you got right I hear is groin pain and that is only if he goes to the extreme in one day and it passes in a day or so. Hair loss? Are you crazy? Do not make stupid and baseless claims like this.

62.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

Nutter! If you masturbate a lot you are fatigued until you have slept and because of the release of prolactin, dopamine and oxytocin your immediate interest in sex is diminished. It takes less than 24hrs to completely recover from sex so why 90 days?? You probably had wet dreams (involuntary ejaculations at night to shed stale semen) and were sexually frustrated and aggressive to the extreme. we are programmed to seek out sex as are all animals and build up angst if we cant get any, That is why it becomes so dominant in our minds until we get laid or masturbate then we regain piece. If you can only get it up properly if you abstain for 3 months I suggest you see a doctor!

63.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

Many animals masturbate but if we should emulate the habits of those that dont then we should consider eating each other and our pooh, dying at the age of 4 and living in holes in the ground. Me thinks I will stick with the enlightened human approach and masturbate.

64.  amilla    Friday, February 10, 2017

He has a dolphin hump the boat we were on off Cornwall about 5 years ago. I guess they have no hands or pillows so a yacht has to do. We have had a load of dogs that do it whenever they could.

65.  amilla    Saturday, February 11, 2017

The body wasnt designed so the durability of and ability to be used repeatedly of the sex organs isnt like a feature on a car or domestic appliance. We have a pain mechanism that shows us when we are getting damaged or injured by an activity and I would suggest skin irritation or pains in the groin for men would be warnings to moderate the behaviour. Scientific research has shown benefits for both sexes from masturbation and has not set upper limits for the activity though mental health experts have said if it becomes all consuming and family life, work, taking care of yourself and living an enjoyable life suffers then help is needed to cut down. It seems the only basis for saying it is intrinsically bad for you comes from religion. I am an atheist and so have no issue masturbating where religious leaders say I should not. I would also comment that there is nothibg specific in the Bible or Koran to forbid masturbation though men have interpretted passages about not making your widowed sister in law pregnant or being unfaithful (mentally) or being lustful as the basis for their proclaimations.

66.  amilla    Saturday, February 11, 2017

You put forward a hypothesis about intercourse brain chemestry being different to masturbation brain chemistry and suggest that science does not know the facts so you may be right. This is poor logic and it ignores scientific knowledge about the brain during both activities. Brains of subjects engaged in both activities have been scanned and show identical regional activations (though interestingly us women seem to get more out of orgasm than men from the scan evidence). Subjective reporting too suggests the orgasm process is the same from masturbation and intercourse. So the limited evidence points to there being no difference between masturbation and sex here. I accept this is not watertight but for you to say that it is ok to reject evidence and formulate a contradictory hypothesis without any supporting empiric evidence is unscientific and illogical.

67.  Jason    Sunday, February 12, 2017

Your posts are drawing assumptions that are far beyond what I wrote.

68.  ali_sayed    Thursday, April 27, 2017

wonderful research, but what is the medication to recover my health after a lot of masturbation, now I'm 24 years old, I did this stupid habit when I was 12 years old, pls I need for help so much.. that all side effects I have it and more like dry skin, small genitalia and I'm very sad,, very very sad, what should I do please.

69.  No    Thursday, May 4, 2017

No, you're fucking wrong. Even the biggest shill websites out there have stated that the studies suggesting that masturbation is healthy are bullshit.

70.  BugBoy    Thursday, May 11, 2017

Your statement is a lie, as if masturbation is SO DAMN HARMFUL, what about sex? You are more likely to die from goddamn AIDS contracted from sex. Get your facts straight, you moron.

71.  Khan    Thursday, September 7, 2017

These facts are damn true.

I myself is do excessive masturbation and am having same problems mentioned above.

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