Scammed by Ruiyuan Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

Ruiyuan Plastic Products Co., Ltd. is guilty of scamming, fraud, deception, dishonest trade practices, theft and engaging in international trade crimes and gets a bad review.

Complaint summary:

100% of glass bottles were dirty, scratched and had hairs inside. We got scammed with ten thousand bottles. The damage was nearly ten thousand US dollars.

Criminal company: Ruiyuan Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

Aliases (all scammers):

  • Hebei Ruiyuan Pipe Fitting Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Business licence 130925000000380
  • Ruiyuan Industry Co, Ltd.
  • Guangzhou Ruijia Packing Plastic Co., Ltd.
  • Guangzhou Ruijia Packing Products Co., Ltd.
  • Ruiyuan Packing
  • Guangzhou Ruijia Packing Products Co., Ltd.
  • Ruiyuan Aquatic Product Quick-frozen Factory

Other companies (co)owned by the these scammers:

MDS Financing Consultancy Co, Ltd.
Ruiyuan Aquatic Product Quick-frozen Factory (scammers used for payment)

Websites of fraudulent Ruiyuan Plastic Products Co., Ltd. (scammer's alibaba page) (scammer's alibaba page) (scammer's email) (scammer's site) (scammers' site)

ruiyuan packing

Scammers Ruiyuan Plastic Products email addresses:

Scam company phone numbers:


Scam company contact persons:

Lizzie Jia
Daisy Guo



Scam company's leadership/owner(s):

Lizzie Jia (Owner) (May be alias for Wenlian Wang) - guilty of running a criminal enterprise
Wenlian Wang (CEO / Co-owner)
You Chucheng (CEO)
Jiufeng Liu
Jeff Zhang

Details of the fraud:

We purchased ten thousand 50 ml bottles. All of them arrived so dirty that we could not use them to put a food supplement in. The seller agreed that they were responsible and liable, and they said that the damage was caused by their inability to do quality control in their storage facility. However the seller was unwilling to refund us.

Supporting evidence:

dirty-bottle1 scratched-bottle1 hairs-in-bottle1dusty-bottle1

1.  john    Wednesday, December 30, 2015

This company stole over $1000 from us too. Took the money but never shipped the product. All buyers beware.

2.  Sarah    Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Rhank-you. I was about to purchase from them. Thank goodness I saw this

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