Nail biting side effects

Nail biting side effectsThe side effects of nail biting are injuries to the nail bed and possible permanent deformity of the nails. Nail biting can worsen some existing conditions of the nail bed, such as infection of the skin around the nail bed (paronychia) or warts around the nail bed.
Nail biting increases the chance of infecting yourself with bacteria, viruses or parasites via dirt under the nails.
Severe nail biting can be a sign of Obsessive Compulside Disorder, but usually is merely a nervous tick.
Onychophagia is another name for nail biting. Long-term bad side effects of nail biting caused by the constant manipulation of the nail plate and nail matrix is a deformed nail, which can become permanent, if the nail matrix unit is scarred.
Another danger of nail biting is that it can cause your fingertips to be red and sore and your cuticles to bleed. Bitten fingertips can become very sensitive to pain, usually at the place the skin meets the edge of the nail.
Finally, an insidious related side effect of nail biting is related dental problems, such as gingival injury.

This is our research on the alleged dangers of Nail biting / adverse effects of Nail biting and not medical advice!

1.  Hi    Thursday, June 16, 2016


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