Abilify side effects

Abilify side effectsAbilify side effects include headache, anxiety, and insomnia.
Less common adverse effects of Abilify are gas, hemorrhoids, nausea, constipation, vomiting, acne and dizziness.
Quite rare side effects of Abilify include throat pain, water retention, nasal congestion, abdominal pain, fatigue, joint pain, weight gain, tremors and cough.
Important: Senior citizens with dementia taking Abilify (Aripiprazole) have an increased chance of death during treatment. Elderly patients on Abilify have shown a 1.7 times increased chance of mortality.
Miscellaneous Abilify side effects include muscle stiffness, itching, swelling of the eyes, tongue, throat, face, mouth, lips, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs, difficulty breathing or swallowing, tightening of the neck muscles, confusion, sweating, rash, hives and tightness in the throat.
Some people reported pain in the arms or legs (especially the joints) while on Abilify.

This is our research on the alleged dangers of Abilify / adverse effects of Abilify and not medical advice!

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